Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic
- Increase brand awareness.
- Generate leads and sales.
- Grow your brand’s audience.
- Boost community engagement.
1. Strategy
Before you dive right in and publish something on social media, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture. The first step is to think about your social media strategy.
2. Planning and Publishing
Social media marketing for small businesses usually starts with having a consistent presence on social media.Close to three billion people (3,000,000,000!) use social media.
3. Listening and Engagement
As your business and social media following grow, conversations about your brand will also increase. People will comment on your social media posts
4. Analytics
Along the way, whether you are publishing content or engaging on social media, you will want to know how your social media marketing is performing
5. Advertising
When you have more funds to grow your social media marketing, an area that you can consider is social media advertising. Social media ads allow you to reach a wider audience
6. Listening and Engagement
As your business and social media following grow, conversations about your brand will also increase. People will comment on your social media posts
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